Helping small or midsize enterprises (SMEs) in the timber construction industry to innovate and digitise

Specific objective

Initiate, develop and support innovations in timber construction. The focus is on the development of an innovation hub as a digital platform for information, networking and innovation for the GR.

In detail

A wide range of activities are planned, including the organisation of events to mobilise and network businesses and other stakeholders in order to stimulate innovation and digitisation in the timber value chain, such as hackathons, technical visits, B2B meetings and the production of a “Wood Construction 4.0” guide, combining innovation and a digitisation strategy, and a best-practice directory of niche timber projects of inter-regional importance, the creation of a cross-border information and innovation platform for businesses, research and consumers of these innovations, exchange workshops on innovative and circular construction in the Grande Région with political decision-makers and training centres, and the drafting of recommendations for innovative uses of timber/with timber in the processing and modular construction sectors, etc.

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