Join us this November 14 from 9:30 am to 5:000 pm at Libramont Exhibition & Congress, as part of the W.A.V.E. project, and take part in this workshop aimed at making the Grande Région a pilot area for the development of a sustainable local wood industry, focusing on 5 themes:
- Deepen our knowledge of the mainly hardwood forest resource;
- Evaluate the availability of this resource and its development potential;
- Strengthen the development of short circuits;
- Increase the share of local wood in processing, construction and renovation;
- Make innovation and digitalization part of sustainable, resilient cross-border strategies.
A day for
- Meet the 29 partners from Wallonia, France, Luxembourg, Saarland, Rhineland experts ;
- share the first results achieved by this consortium after 9 months of collaboration;
- keep abreast of industry trends;
- together, lay the foundations for future work on a promising local timber industry through discussion tables
- build awareness of your products and services
- foster collaboration and business opportunities